A new oxidation furnace has been put in operation in the MEMS Laboratory of the Centre for Energy Research, a member of the Eötvös Lóránd Research Network. Financed by the European Union, the investment is a major step in the upgrade of the existing Si processing line, thereby facilitating both the R&D activities and higher education training in the field of sensor development and related material research.
The four tube system is set for dry and wet oxidation as well as for medium and high temperature annealing processes needed in Si based MEMS fabrication. The new is essential for the competitive R&D activity. This is well indicated by the ongoing international projects of the laboratory H2020 ECSEL „A pilot line for the next generation of smart catheters and implants (POSITIONII)” and “Enabling Moore for Medical (Moore4Med)” projects as well as by the Russian-Hungarian bilateral sensor development entitled “Low power consumption-type nanosensors for gas detecting in harsh environment”.
Besides the international activity, the research group of the Laboratory is highly committed to support the domestic industrial needs and higher education by hosting BSc and MSc students and offering PhD research topics.
The project value of total 227M HUF was jointly granted by the European Union and the Hungarian Government from the European Structural and Investment Funds, via the Competitive Central-Hungary Operative Programme – Strategic R&D centres.
More info: https://www.mfa.kfki.hu/kutatas/projektek/vekop-diffuzios/